Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. The Sage Project Contact InfoKristofer PatronProgram 594-0103 University Faculty ContactSweetser Local Government / Community Contact […]
Region: EPA Region 5
The comuniparques Project is Tijuana’s urban greening program, which aims to renovate several of Tijuana’s degraded city parks and create capacities for sustainable communities through community engagement and installation of green infrastructure. In their first phase of work, the program is focusing on two parks in the Residencial del Bosque and Matamoros neighborhoods. In collaboration […]
SDSU West Expansion: Site Analysis
SDSU West is the in-process development site of what is now Qualcomm Stadium in Mission Valley. San Diego State University is looking to expand their campus in order to create higher education opportunities for current and future students, provide mixeduse residential and commercial developments, and establish a new Aztec stadium for multiuse purposes. Public Administration […]
San Diego State University Mission Valley Housing Policy Options
This report was created through a partnership with the Sage Project at San Diego State University (SDSU) during the spring of 2019. The research contained herein was conducted by students in an upper-division political science course headed by Professor Brian Adams. The given goal was to provide a policy analysis providing options for affordable housing […]
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SDSU Mission Valley: Concerns and Considerations on Affordable Housing
San Diego State University (SDSU)’s partnership with the Sage Project has allowed current students to be involved in the planning process for the new Mission Valley campus. In its initial run of collaborations, SDSU staff had a goal in mind for participants: to conduct individual policy analyses related to housing in Mission Valley, focusing primarily […]
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Emergency Operations Policy Research and Planning for National City’s Disaster Preparedness and Response
National City’s Debris Management Annex is a plan which establishes an organizational structure and process by which National City can coordinate and manage, in the most effective and efficient way, the clearance, removal, and disposal of debris following an emergency or disaster. This annex establishes a Debris Management Organization and outlines Staff, Contractor, and Partner […]
Survey of Noise Exposure in National City Port Area Residents
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of the residents of National City toward noise in their community and to compare that to information about the actual noise levels to which the residents are exposed. This is intended to provide information about when and what type of noise may be a problem […]
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Civic Center Microgrid Feasibility Study
Energy is a major operating cost for local governments. City of National City has taken many steps to reduce energy usage in its facilities implementing energy efficiency and conservation. The City is now considering the implementation of a microgrid, which is a renewable resource generator that empowers a geographic area to use its own electricity […]
SDSU Graphic Design Studio: Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve
Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. The Sage Project Contact Info Kristofer Patron Program Administrator (619) 594-0103 University Faculty Contact Gary Benzel Local Government / Community Contact […]
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San Diego State University Mission Valley Policy Tools and Recommendations, Approaches to Affordable Housing
This report is a compilation of policy recommendations meant to address various affordable housing approaches for SDSU Mission Valley. Affordable housing in San Diego is scarce; therefore current and hopeful affordable housing residents will have an interest in the Mission Valley expansion. Developing affordable housing in San Diego can be challenging, but the proposed expansion […]