Civic Center Microgrid Feasibility Study


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Energy is a major operating cost for local governments. City of National City has taken many steps to reduce energy usage in its facilities implementing energy efficiency and conservation. The City is now considering the implementation of a microgrid, which is a renewable resource generator that empowers a geographic area to use its own electricity when available and to rely on the existing utility grid when it is not. The goal is to become more energy independent, self-sufficient, and take advantage of any alternative energy benefits available.

This feasibility study commissioned by the City of National City identifies energy cost saving methods for the Civic Center complex. The subject buildings included for this study are: Arts Center, City Hall, Fire Station 34, Library, Kimball Park, MLK Community Center, Police Station and Senior Center.

The results provided from our report are based on our research and analysis. Based on the client’s available funding, we have provided different system implementation options. Our recommendation is for the initial photovoltaic system to be installed on the Arts Center and to wait to install secondary systems as the cost of photovoltaic decreases in the future and as more funding becomes available. Once secondary systems have been installed, Net Energy Metering can assist in cost efficiency.

To recommend our options for future energy cost reductions, we conducted the following five steps. First, we determined the annual usage per building for the 12-month period from October 2012 to September 2013. Second, we used the annual usage information to obtain a contractor’s estimate for the cost in implementing a photovoltaic system. Third, we researched external funding sources, rebate programs and financing options for renewable energy sources. Fourth, we used the quoted cost and available external funding sources to develop a cost/benefit analysis on implementation of the photovoltaic system. Lastly, we prepared a Request for Proposal for the City of National City to issue to contractors for a photovoltaic system.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

The Sage Project Contact Info
Kristofer Patron
Program Administrator
(619) 594-0103

University Faculty Contact

Local Government / Community Contact

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