The San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition has partnered with the Sage Project at San Diego State University to evaluate three grassroots, community-based organizations addressing food and nutrition inequity in the neighborhoods of Southeast San Diego. Each organization was interested in evaluating objectives relevant to their specific programming, though common themes regarding accessibility, community awareness, acceptability, […]
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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) youth face a number of health disparities, including increased mental health conditions and suicidal ideation and attempts (Russel & Fish, 2016), as well as behavioral risks such as substance use (Talley et al., 2014). The LGBTQ community makes up 4% of the total population of Wisconsin […]
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The Wausau area is currently home to approximately 180 refugees settled during the last two years. The increasing influx of refugees face significant barriers to successful integration into the community. The ECDC Multicultural Center (ECDC) has identified some of the top barriers as inaccessible transportation, language barriers, and inability to secure employment with income able […]
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According to surveys from “The City of Marinette Outdoor Recreation Plan” created by Bay Lake Regional Planning Commission over half of surveyed residents of Marinette have expressed interest in improving the micro-mobility climate around the city. Micro-mobility for this project is defined as any form of transportation that could be used as an alternative to […]
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Multiple studies have shown a relationship between railway noise and various health impacts, such as increased diastolic blood pressure, poor sleep quality, and increased incidence of certain childhood cancers.1 2 The City of Marinette, Wisconsin, located in Marinette County, has multiple railways in their city and train whistles that sound between 96-110 dBs have been […]
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Between 2010 and 2021, the city of Marinette, Wisconsin realized a 2% increase in the proportion of the population in the workforce (US Census Bureau, 2019). Of the 10,701 people who work in Marinette, about 75 percent (8,063 people) commute into the city from other areas such as Menominee and Peshtigo (Bay Lake Regional Planning […]
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This project reviewed St. Croix County Jail policies related to access to health care, emergency health scare, medical screening, mental health services, and suicide prevention and intervention and offered recommendations to improve the health and wellbeing of those housed in the facility. UniverCity Contact Info: […]
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In the landmark case, Estelle v Gamble (1976), the right of health care for inmates was established (Rosenfeld, 2016). In this case, Gamble, the inmate, was injured while working for the prison. He was not given adequate treatment which then led to further complications. This case argued that the lack ofhealth care for Gamble was […]
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National data has shown that sober living facilities can aid in promoting recovery for women with co-occurring domestic violence and substance-use disorders using tangible resource attainment (e.g., food, clothing, shelter) and emotional support (Edwards et al., 2017). A community assessment conducted by the Community Justice Collaborating Council (CJCC) of St. Croix County has identified a […]
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Substance use disorder (SUD) is a major public health concern in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Last year, there were 419 emergency room visits related to chronic alcohol use (Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 2022a), and 22 visits related to opioid overdose (Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 2022b). According to St. Croix County’s treatment court coordinator, […]
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