The Eco Farm is interested in expanding biodigester inputs to include vegetable and food waste in its current and expanded plans for three biodigesters. Students are to design the system and model input and output efficiencies. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info University Faculty Contact […]
School Size: 98
Centre Region Curbside Compost Program
The Centre Region COG is expanding its curbside recycling program to include organics recycling and is seeking assistance in developing consistent messaging to educate its residents. The campaign should encourage residents to use the service and educate them on the basics of the program and where to find additional detailed information. Student work should include […]
Compost Marketing Plan: Centre Region Council Of Governments
The Centre Region Council of Governments is launching a curb-site compost pick-up program in 2020, and plans to launch a public information and education campaign in the year prior. CRCoG seeks students to develop consistent messaging about the new program. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact […]
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Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories: State College
The borough of State College conducted two greenhouse gas inventories which focused on transportation. These studies used different data sets, in part due the construction of a bypass, and therefore the impact of GHG reducing measures was inconclusive. In order to create good baseline information, the borough engaged a capstone student in EMS to reconcile […]
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Sustainable Behavior Messaging: State College
The borough of State College seeks to reduce its GHG emissions by 10% of 2007 levels by 2021, and would like to receive guidance on messaging that will change residents’ behavior, promoting overall energy conservation. The borough will utilize student findings in its print and social media. Read the final student report delivered to the […]
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Alexa Technology Application: State College
The borough of State College would like to implement Alexa technology as a communication and information option for its residents. In this first approach of implementation, students in IST 440 will explore options for dissemination of information on parking availability in the borough. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable […]
Recycling Marketing Plan For State College Borough
The borough requires participation in a recycling program of all residents. It has found that management practices can have little effect on the actions of residents to recycle. Students will work with a landlord/property to develop a marketing plan to increase compliance with the policy Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community […]
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Energy Planning In The State College Borough
The borough seeks to understand the local perception of a community-based energy generation system. Students will help by identifying stakeholders, relevant issues, and potential opportunities, planning and facilitating discussions, and summarizing their findings in a final report. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info University Faculty […]
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Study Away Pittsburgh Marketing Campaign
Study Away Pittsburgh is a semester-long program offered by PSU intended to provide students an immersive experience in an urban setting while exposing students to collaborative sustainability related projects and community organizations and local governments. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info University Faculty Contact Tara […]
State College Equal Opportunity Plan
Students will work to update State College’s Equal Opportunity Plan, which was last updated in 2007. Students will incorporate several recent reports as well as current population and labor statistics into the updated plan which is required for state and federal funding. Students will determine the content needed and propose the design for a video […]