Downtown Revitalization: A Design for the City of Brodhead


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To fulfill the requirements of the Senior Capstone Program in
the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University
of Wisconsin-Madison I will investigate how ideas of human
perception may inform the design of streetscapes and suburban redevelopment. This investigation will be given context
and focus by the concerns and goals of The City of Brodhead,
which include pedestrian safety and mobility and economic
development. The City of Brodhead, WI will be the site for this
Human perception, and the resulting actions of these
perceptions, are what define who we are. The doubtful safety
of a steep ledge, and the immense joy of riding a roller coaster
both pose similar dangers, so what makes the roller coaster
so appealing? Our perception. We know, because of elements
in our surroundings, that we are inherently safe on a roller
coaster. Landscape elements give users internal clues about
land use inferring characteristics like safety, aesthetic quality,
and cleanliness.
While human perception is often addressed at a walking and driving perspective, when designing landscapes for
multiple groups of users, it is also important to address those
on bikes, wheelchairs, and other non-motorized forms of transportation. Eric Dumbaugh and Wenhao Li have focused their
research on this very issue, and provide a critical resource for
designers looking to plan more effectively.The City of Brodhead, WI provides an important opportunity to address these issues at many angles. The downtown
Business Improvement District (BID) has set out to making
their land a safer, more welcoming place for not only their immediate community, but to their audience of frequent visitors.
With a state highway dissecting the BID, it is imperative to
draw from research done in the past to guarantee the health,
safety, and welfare of the townspeople.
Through creative streetscape design, and strategic
land use planning, the BID has the potential to transform
the surrounding community. Open store-fronts, designated
pedestrian spaces, and interactive streetscapes all tied together with safe, effective way-finding would provide flurries of
economic growth and long-term financial success.
The products of this capstone will include a set of
design documents and recommendations for The City of Brodhead, which will be submitted to The City Officials, and a capstone document, which will be submitted to the Department of
Landscape Architecture in partial fulfillment of the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

UniverCity Year Contact Info
Gavin Luter
Managing Director

University Faculty Contact
Tom Landgraf
Real Estate and Urban Land Economics

Local Government / Community Contact

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