Students examined preservation opportunities within Leander’s institutional context, providing student preservationists with an opportunity to apply their tools of practice. Their work included an exploration of federal, state and local governments, non-governmental institutions, and private sector support systems. Students developed tools for implementing preservation policy and programs that fit into Leander’s larger vision for the […]
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Student teams engaged a mixed-use design project at one of three specific sites in the City of Leander: Historic Downtown, TOD Red Line Station, and Central East. The architectural design project developed built spaces that speak to the community’s current and future identity. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Texas […]
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Public Transportation Engineering provides students the tools to characterize public transportation modes in terms of their most appropriate urban area applications. This includes the ability to conceptually plan and design integrated public transportation systems— that is, systems including multiple modes. As an independent project within the course, two students engaged a context-specific analysis of connectivity […]
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Pfugerville is one of the fastest growing cites in the United States, with estmates that high rates of growth will contnue into the foreseeable future. As part of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan the City of Pfugerville is working towards increasing the amount and diversity of housing with a special focus on building a dynamic and […]
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Pfugerville is one of the fastest growing cites in the United States, with estmates that high rates of growth will contnue into the foreseeable future. As part of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan the City of Pfugerville is working towards increasing the amount and diversity of housing with a special focus on building a dynamic and […]
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Old Town Pfugerville serves as an important anchor in the city. It captures the city’s historic character while showcasing the potental for Pfugerville’s future development. The city has undergone multple community engagement processes to understand community needs, desires, and visions for the future of Old Town. The “Old Town Pfugerville Vision Report”, “2030 Comprehensive Plan”, […]
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Leander will become increasingly sustainable by promoting connectivity and pedestrian access within the community. A more connected landscape will benefit current residents by creating outdoor networks. These networks will allow people to move through the city with an increasing amount ease. It will also serve future students enrolled at Leander’s ACC San Gabriel Campus. Located […]
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Leander, Texas faces sustainability challenges associated with an increased demand for suitable urban housing and community amenities. Population growth and demographic change will impact Leander’s physical landscape and give new identity to the concept of density within the city. In this course, students explored Leander’s increasingly urban landscape in an effort to construct a new […]
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During Pfugerville’s comprehensive city planning process citzens listed parks, trails and open space as one of the top fve livability elements in Pfugerville, and a top three priority for Pfugerville’s development over the next ten years. Pfugerville’s urban tree canopy is an important component of the city’s open space and the city has invested resources […]
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An open-air commemoratve park located on existng unused lots in the Colored Additon area of Pfugerville ofers a creatve place making opton that honors both the Additon’s heritage and current residents. The site would memorialize the history behind the Additon’s establishment and the stories of the families and organizatons that created and sustained the area. […]
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