TxTC partnered with H.E. Butt Foundation to develop a conceptual design for a park in Real County, Texas, in June 2020. The community identified this project through an extensive Asset Based Community Development process with Texas Rural Leadership Program (TRLP). In 2017, a group of community members completed the TRLP leadership training and created a […]
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The City of Columbus partnered with TxTC in 2019 to explore ideas to enhance the overall attractiveness and visual appeal along key corridors. Located 70 miles west of Houston at the crossroads of I-10 and Hwy 71, the City sought landscape improvements along gateway corridors. With about 60 Registered Texas Historic Landmarks, Columbus sees an […]
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In the fall of 2017 and spring of 2018, more than 130 students in six urban planning and landscape architecture classes worked closely with the City of La Grange (pop. 4,700). Hurricane Harvey hit the week of the first community kick-off meeting, postponing the projects and the start of the fall semester. La Grange is […]
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Willacy County is a rural community (pop. 21,515) in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, thirty miles north of Mexico. In 2017, Hispanics and Latinos represented 88% of the population. The County has 16 colonias with some that lack adequate infrastructure for water and sewer. Due to its location along the Gulf of Mexico, […]
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TTC is working with the City of Buffalo to provide feedback and guidance on the city’s comprehensive plan, which will direct the growth and development of the city for the next two decades. The main purpose of this collaboration is to create a community-wide vision for the future of the city by determining goals and […]
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TTC is working with the City of Buffalo to provide feedback and guidance on the city’s comprehensive plan, which will direct the growth and development of the city for the next two decades. The main purpose of this collaboration is to create a community-wide vision for the future of the city by determining goals and […]
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TxTC worked with community partners in El Campo to assess current community conditions and explore future development and growth strategies, through a public participatory process, resulting in the development of a downtown revitalization plan to help guide the future growth of the City. […]
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TTC is working with the City of Buffalo to provide feedback and guidance on the city’s comprehensive plan, which will direct the growth and development of the city for the next two decades. The main purpose of this collaboration is to create a community-wide vision for the future of the city by determining goals and […]
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TTC is working with the City of Buffalo to provide feedback and guidance on the city’s comprehensive plan, which will direct the growth and development of the city for the next two decades. The main purpose of this collaboration is to create a community-wide vision for the future of the city by determining goals and […]
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This project is sponsored in part by the Jonestown City Council with Marilee Pfannstiel as the Community Development Director of Jonestown, and in part by Frank Phelan, P.E. from Jay Engineering Company. Mr. Phelan was commissioned by the city to design their public sewer system and is the engineering lead for the students in the […]
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