Improving Access, Connecting Patients, and Reducing Stigma: A Mental Health Navigator for Green County


Abigail Becker


Green County
Community Size
University of Wisconsin - Madison
UniverCity Year
Case Type
Project Stories
Focus Areas
Population Health Sciences
EPA Region 5, USA
University Department Code
Public Health
Sustainable Development Goals
03 Good Health and Well-Being
Population Type

Green County Human Services proposed the creation of a mental health navigator (MHN) position to address the community need for improved connection to mental health
resources. In this report we provide a brief literature review of the public health significance of
this topic generally and in the context of Green County. We discuss relevant community
partnerships and collaborations which will be essential to the success of this program. Next, we
discuss issues of health equity as they pertain to the MHN program, with particular attention to
issues of access around transportation and language. We then explore the evidence base for a
navigator program in the context of mental health, discussing findings from publications as well
as interviews with other mental health navigator programs to provide rationale for this choice
and important contextual features for implementation. We go on to describe an action plan for
thoughtful implementation of this program. We offer a variety of suggestions for evaluation of
this program to determine its success and short, medium, and long-term impacts. Finally, we
include several potential funding opportunities.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

UniverCity Year Contact Info
Gavin Luter
Managing Director

University Faculty Contact
Barbara Duerst
Population Health Sciences

Local Government / Community Contact

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