Eliminating Single Use Plastics in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin


Abigail Becker


Case Type
Project Stories
Sustainable Development Goals
12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Door County is a peninsula surrounded by Lake Michigan, one of the most essentialbodies of water in the United States. Plastic and styrofoam pollution has been an increasingproblem over the past few decades. It is imperative for coastal municipalities to advocate for thehealth of the Great Lakes, and this can be accomplished in part through eliminating single-useplastics and styrofoam. Egg Harbor was the first community to participate in the Green TierLegacy Community program conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Asa Green Tier Legacy Community, Egg Harbor is committed to taking sustainable actions to builda better future. This internship set out to assist the Green Tier Taskforce in operationalizing theinitiative to encourage Egg Harbor businesses to transition away from single-use plastics andtoward compostable alternatives.

UniverCity Year Contact Info
Gavin Luter
Managing Director

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