Sustainability & Solid Waste


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Students in this course focused on understanding the current and potential impacts of Apache Junction’s existing solid waste management. To get a wider perspective, students broke into two teams.
The first analyzed complaints filed with Apache Junction and Pinal
County regarding solid waste, looking for trends and insights. This team
also reviewed the city’s online complaint filing system and compared
it with similar municipal websites to determine how this system could
better serve residents and city management. Results showed that Free
Dump Week did not interrupt the flow of complaints received, and certain
neighborhoods would benefit from increased educational campaigns
regarding solid waste ordinances and bulk pickup services. The second
team reviewed literature related to environmental and health aspects of
improperly stored or disposed solid waste. Their findings highlighted
issues related to odors, vector control, air pollution, soil contamination,
water pollution, injury control, and aesthetics.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Project Cities Contact Info
Steven Russell
Program Manager

University Faculty Contact
Al Brown

Senior Lecturer
(480) 727-1320

Local Government / Community Contact
Larry Kirch
Development Services

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