Raiders Who Code Summer Camp


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Raiders Who Code is a summer camp offered by Texas Tech University that aims to increase the interest in coding and programming for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who qualify as low socio-economic, have a learning disability, or are foster care youth. The primary goal of the the camp is to provide hands-on experiences that are both challenging and innovative. These experiences will enhance student’s problem solving and analytical skills, while simultaneously fostering an overall interest in STEM-related careers.
Texas Tech University was awarded a $64,390 grant by the Texas Workforce Commission(TWC) for Raiders Who Code to focus on increasing middle schoolers’ interest in coding and computer science. “The growing demand for high-skilled technical workers means Texas must continue to attract more students into STEM fields,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel, a TTU alumnus. “Through programs like Camp Code, TWC remains committed to building a diverse workforce with the foundation in STEM necessary to keep our world-class economy growing.”

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