Investigación sobre Género y Corrupción: Experimentos de Laboratorio en Universidades Colombianas

This project aims to investigate gender differences in susceptibility to corruption through laboratory experiments conducted with students from two Colombian universities (i.e. UNAB and UFPS). The primary hypothesis is that women exhibit lower susceptibility to embezzlement owing to their risk aversion and pro-social values. The relative importance of these factors is not yet clear, though. […]

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Energy, Environment, Ethics & Society

 Two Books are Published in November, 2015 – 16 and 2016 – 17: Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. 7/19, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi – 110002. Ph: 2325 2574, 2327 6799. E-mail:;;; Website:; Laxmi – Amazon – Flipkart – (1) Entitled: A Textbook of Energy, Environment, Ethics & […]

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Environmental Screening and Preliminary Assessment Report

3. PROJECT ALIGNMENT DESCRIPTION The Projected Corridor STARTS from Chainage @ 00.000 Km (NH – 74) with coordinates (28°57’19.26” N and 79°25’47.66” E) and traverses through mostly government land and paddy fields and circles the City. Rudrapur Bypass Road Crosses NH – 87 (New NH – 09) and NH – 74 (New NH – 309) […]

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Consultancy Services for preparation of Detailed Project Report for Rehabilitation and Upgradation to two lane with paved shoulder configuration of Araku (Bhalluguda) to Bowdara Section of NH – 516 E in state of Andhra Pradesh.

B. Description of the Subprojects The objective of the MORTH’s Project Financing Facility is to support the projects for improving Andhra Pradesh State’s connectivity of the current rural interior and achieving a larger coverage of the National Highway and State Highway. The loan from the MORTH will be on – lent to the Government of […]

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Energy, Environment, Ethics & Society

(5) Publication  Two Books are Published in November, 2015 – 16 and 2016 – 17: Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. 7/19, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi – 110002. Ph: 2325 2574, 2327 6799. E-mail:;;; Website:; Laxmi – Amazon – Flipkart – (1) Entitled: A Textbook of Energy, Environment, […]

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Boletín 2022.1

Durante el primersemestre del 2022.1 continuamos, desde la virtualidad, impulsando el trabajo de la Clínica Jurídica Ambiental de la PUCP, buscando fortalecer la regulación ambiental y ser agentes de cambio en nuestra sociedad. Conscientes de la importancia del enfoque de responsabilidad social universitaria (RSU) que nuestra universidad promueve, se unieron al curso 9 exalumnos, como […]

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Boletín 2020

El presente boletín tiene como objetivo informar a la comunidad académica y al público en general sobre las acciones que, durante el primer semestre del 2020, han emprendido tanto la Clínica Jurídica de Derecho Ambiental de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – PUCP, como las clínicas que forman parte de la Alianza de Clínicas […]

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Boletín 2021.1

El año 2021 inició lleno de expectativas y desafíos, en un contexto de pandemia y crisis económica, así como inestabilidad política en el país. Sin embargo,también comenzó con mucha esperanza y motivación de ser agentes de cambio e impulsar impactos positivos en la sociedad y el medio ambiente. En dicha línea se continuó trabajando por […]

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Boletín 2021.2

Durante el segundo semestre del 2021 se llevó a cabo la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP26), donde 197 países suscribieron el Pacto Climático de Glasgow. Dentro de los diversos compromisos se encuentra el controlarla deforestación y reducirlas emisiones de CO2 y metano. Se busca que la década del 2020 sea […]

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Community Engagement through Coral Reef Research Initiatives

This initiative is a multinational, study abroad undergraduate research program between Texas Tech University, McLennan Community College, and the Roatan Institute for Marine Science (RIMS), as well as a few other Honduran organizations. RIMS is a non-academic facility on the island of Roatan, Honduras dedicated to teaching the Honduran community and students from all over […]

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