CASNR Matador Institute of Leadership Engagement Program

Dr. Lindsay Kennedy, Assistant Professor of Practice


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Texas Tech’s Davis College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) began an innovative program to engage promising young adults with outstanding leaders in agricultural policy, natural resources, industry relations, and entrepreneurship. In an effort to address the increasing need for emerging leaders to fully understand the diverse issues, challenges, and opportunities affecting agriculture and rural America, the Matador Institute of Leadership Engagement was designed to give CASNR undergraduate students a unique, high-impact learning experience. The MILE is a competitive, 14-student, three-semester leadership and professional development program that seeks to develop participants’ personal and professional skills while exposing them to the key issues affecting local, state, and national agriculture.

Industry and community engagement are the backbone of the MILE Program. Current partners who are actively engaged with the program, include a combination of agricultural commodity and livestock organizations, and charitable organizations. MILE partners include the 1687 Foundation, San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Texas Corn Producers Board, and Landmark Nurseries Inc. The networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities that occur between leaders in these organizations and our student participants create a unique, high-impact experience that will propel them in their careers. Many opportunities exist to develop additional partners through field trips in Texas’ ag-producing regions, travel to Washington D.C. and Austin, and other experiential-based sessions.

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