Family meal time has changed with the emergence of technology. In order to study this, Radesky, et al. (2014) observed families at public restaurants. To describe technology use and parentchild interaction, the present study replicated this method. After receiving IRB approval, we observed 109 families at dinner time. Fiftythree percent of 161 caregivers did not […]
Discipline: Psychology
University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Sustainable Communities Partnership Website | The Sustainable Communities Partnership (SCP) collaborates with cities and government agencies to integrate community-identified sustainability projects into St. Thomas courses across disciplines engaging students in real-world, applied research and innovative problem-solving. Our partnerships seek to catalyze systems-level change towards human and ecological well-being in the Twin Cities area while preparing […]
California State University, Monterey Bay

Sustainable City Year Program Website | Our program was created when I was informed of a “Just Start” conference at the University of Oregon back in 2014. My Provost agreed to fund one of my students and me to attend. Shortly after the conference began, my student and I looked at each other and […]