UniverCity Year Website | univercity.wisc.eduTwitter | @UWUniverCity Newsletter | Subscribe Here UniverCity Year is a three-phase partnership between UW-Madison and one community in Wisconsin. The concept is simple. The community partner identifies projects that would benefit from UW-Madison expertise. Faculty from across the university incorporate these projects into their courses, and UniverCity Year staff provide […]
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Livable City Year Website |www.washington.edu/livable-city-year Livable City Year (LCY) links University of Washington students and faculty with a Washington city, county, tribe, or special district, engaging faculty and students across the university to address the community partner’s sustainability and livability goals. The program helps its community partners accomplish critical projects in an affordable way while […]
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Sustainable City Year Program Website |sci.uoregon.edu/sustainable-city-year-program The Sustainable City Year Program (SCYP) harnesses the innovation and energy of University of Oregon students and faculty to provide ideas that will address critical projects, and support progressive and sustainable initiatives. This working relationship puts university talent to work to strengthen Oregon communities Our work addresses sustainability issues […]
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Texas Target Communities Website | ttc.arch.tamu.edu Texas Target Communities (TxTC) at Texas A&M University, founded in 1993, provides technical assistance to small, low capacity communities across the state and focuses on holistic efforts to reveal and validate persistent problems, illuminate strengths, discover promising strategies, and enable emerging opportunities (i.e. civic, environmental, economic, etc.). TxTC engages […]
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