Green Waste Scaling

Waste contamination is an increasingly challenging barrier to effective recycling and composting efforts. Green waste contaminants, such as grass clippings and leaves, can release significant amounts of methane and other greenhouse gasses when disposed of in landfills. Greenwaste is any organic material that can be broken down into compost. Compost is converted into soil, mulch, […]

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Microtransit Feasibility Assessment

The City of Peoria offers a variety of cutting-edge transportation options for its residents. Peoria recently relaunched its Peoria On The Go (POGO) neighborhood circulator and expanded its routes to include Peoria points of pride, including the Four Corners area, Peoria Sports Complex, Old Town Peoria, and more. With the most recent launch of RoboRide, […]

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Fleet Electrification Strategies

The City of Peoria staff and leadership are committed to evolving to meet the needs of its growing community while searching for innovative and strategic opportunities to optimize its services. Peoria’s municipal fleet includes a wide range of vehicles to support the City’s services, including emergency vehicles, public transportation, and public works vehicles. The City […]

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Sustainable Waste Management: Recycling Textiles & Extruded Polystyrene

Municipal solid waste management is an integral part of a city’s infrastructure. However, as the amount of solid waste increases, finding sustainable solutions to address this growth is crucial. For the City of Peoria, textile recovery and recycling have the potential to benefit the city’s Solid Waste Division and its residents. Students in the ERM […]

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Downtown Parking in City of Edwardsville

The partners involved in this project are Public Works department(city of Edwardsville), SIUE Successful Communities Collaborative, courses involving Sociology and Philosophy. The courses for sociology are Sociology- Research Methods(302), Independent Study(396); Philosophy- Environmental Ethics(222). The aim of this project is to build structures with adaptive reuse in mind, the City of Edwardsville will help to […]

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City of Lemon Grove Drainage Master Plan Drainage Area 138

TrinityEngineering(TE) has beencontractedto reviseand updatethe City of LemonGrove’sStormDrainMasterPlan.Due to the magnitudeof this projectTE will focusonly on theNorthwestboundaryof the city, a drainagebasinlabeledArea138. Aftercompletionof theDrainageMasterPlanTE’sworkwill be passedto futureSDSUstudentsin coordinationwiththe SageProjectto completea differentdrainagearea of their choice Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. The Sage Project Contact Info Kristofer Patron Program Administrator (619) […]

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Sustainability & Solid Waste (1/2)

The City of Apache Junction lies on the picturesque border where metropolitan Phoenix meets the Arizona wilderness. This convenient location with easy access to nature continues to draw new residents and reoccurring winter visitors to this young city, incorporated in 1978. TodayApache Junction has a population of nearly 40,000 residents, reflecting an 11.8% increase between […]

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