Seaside Fire Department Incident Data Analysis

With this knowledge we used the portion of the fire hydrants addresses provided by the city of Seaside fire department to geocode their locations in order to analyze them. With this knowledge we used the portion of the fire hydrants addresses provided by the city of Seaside fire department to geocode their locations in order […]

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Modelling the Impact of the W. Alisal Road Diet on bus transportation in Salinas

We built our project around how this road diet would affect a specific aspect of W. Alisal street, and we chose to focus on the MST bus system. Our simple hypothesis for the Salinas project was: when the road diet is implemented, the MST transit system will take longer to get from point A to […]

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Traffic Accidents versus Land Type in the City of Seaside

To spatially analyze Fire Department accident data in the city of Seaside, California from the dates March 25, 2015 to March 30, 2015. The accidents will be interpreted in groups based on land type in which they occurred. The four land types investigated in this project are “developed – open space”, “developed – low intensity”, […]

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English and Spanish Plant Guide for the Residents of Seaside, California

To encourage the growth of appropriate native plants by residents in the City of Seaside, a native plant guide was developed in both English and Spanish that will be made available for free to residents of the City of Seaside. A survey was also conducted to determine the utility of such information. Read the final […]

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Stormwater and Green roofs in Seaside

This project works with identifying how green roofs can improve the environmental impact of buildings in the city of Seaside, California. With regard to stormwater and urban runoff, we will be relating stormwater to green roofs and how those issues can be corrected.[DF1] We hope to understand what Seaside infrastructure is being proposed and how […]

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