Botswana Tackles Wastewater Treatment and Solid Waste Management Collection Issues Through an EPIC Partnership with the University of Botswana

In November 2020, the University of Botswana and the Gaborone City Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding to share and exchange knowledge, resources, and information. Using the EPIC Model as their guide, the City Council and the University decided to work together to achieve development in multiple areas including waste management, environmental sustainability, and climate […]

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Creating Sustainable Solutions to Waste Management, Natural Disasters, and Invasive Species Outbreaks through EPIC Partnership in Durban

Many African cities are currently struggling to deal with issues such as resource scarcity, waste management, and environmental sustainability[SA1] [SO2] , all of which are likely to be worsened by climate change. EThekwini Municipality, more commonly known as Durban, in South Africa is no different. The population of Durban in the province of KwaZulu-Natal is growing rapidly. […]

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Brewerville Addresses Waste Management Crisis Through Collective Bargaining Agreement Facilitated by an EPIC Partnership

Brewerville City, situated in Montserrado County, Africa, is a municipality that is presently confronted with a severe waste management predicament. As a result of insufficient policy interventions, the general populace is confronted with an inadequate waste management system that clogs public spaces, waterways, and thoroughfares with refuse hazardous waste, nonrecyclable, and recyclable materials. The average Brewerville […]

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Lusaka’s Expanding EPIC Partnerships Look to Solve Capacity Issues 

Like many other African cities, Lusaka is facing rapid urbanization and various challenges related to inequality, climate change, economic opportunity, and service delivery. The city is faced with limited technical capacity to deliver essential services to all 3.3 million people and with a growth rate of about 5% annually, Lusaka’s Local Authority is unable to […]

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Building Preparedness and Resilience to Covid-19 Through the EPIC Model in Lusaka

When Covid-19 hit Africa, the levels of fear about the risks that communities faced were high.  Additionally, the provision of basic services to communities by the local authorities within their mandate, particularly in Lusaka was hampered partly due to increased operational costs and the quick spread of the disease. This, coupled with the poor access […]

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Waste management for slum settlements in Mbale City: A search for sustainable solutions 

Mbale is currently facing a waste management crisis. While the city has a waste dumping site controlled by Mbale City Council, the site is not optimized as its management is neither efficient nor effective. The entrance to the site is often blocked by waste that is not routinely cleared, which affects movement of waste management […]

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Building local climate resilience through mangrove restoration in Western Liberia

Grand Cape Mount County in Western Liberia is home to Lake Piso. This large lake accommodates a sizable mangrove forest that is essential to the lake’s ecosystem and village areas as it provide protection against erosion and absorbs harmful storm surges. One of the biggest advantages of the mangrove forest is its ability to sequester […]

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Creating Environmentally Sustainable Solutions to Waste Management, Natural Disasters, and Invasive Species Outbreaks Through EPIC Partnerships in Durban

Program Spotlight: Texas A&M and UW-Madison Featured on the GovLove Podcast

Many African cities are currently struggling to deal with issues such as resource scarcity, waste management, and environmental sustainability, and eThekwini Municipality, more commonly known as Durban, in South Africa is no different. The population of Durban in the province of KwaZulu-Natal is growing rapidly. Unfortunately, the city is not built for this large population […]

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Harare Plans to Address Deteriorating Environmental Conditions Through Phytoremediation, Awareness Campaigns, and Sustainable Municipality Growth

Program Spotlight: Texas A&M and UW-Madison Featured on the GovLove Podcast

The city of Harare, Zimbabwe has experienced a steady deterioration of environmental conditions. The city’s water has become contaminated with organic pollutants leading to higher nitrate and phosphate levels causing fish deaths. The situation seems to be made worse by water treatment challenges despite large efforts to upgrade the Morton Jeoffre water treatment plant. A […]

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Awareness and Education of Climate Change Effects through Visual Arts in Mombasa

Climate change has been impacting citizens all over the globe. However, coastal cities of developing countries are often the most affected due to the cities intensified demand for the production and consumption of goods, transport, and settlement. Because of this large demand, cities like Mombasa have struggled to keep up with rapid population growth resulting […]

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