Assessing Marathon County riparian and wetland resources

Naomi Louchouarn and Nathan Schulfer


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Marathon Co. is located within the Central Wisconsin River Basin, which inevitably provides the county with an abundance of surface water sources such as streams, tributaries, and wetlands. This abundance of water sources can easily be polluted when agriculture or urban/developed landcover types are in close proximity to these areas. Landcover types located within a 60 meter buffer around a water body or wetland are going to have the greatest influence on the health of the system. Decreasing the presence of agriculture and urban/developed landcover within a 60 meter buffer around water systems will increase the health and quality of the system. which many people and wildlife depend on. Increasing or maintaining the amount of natural areas such
as wetlands or forests around water systems will provide the benefits of natural filtration of pollutants and sediment stagnation from plants’ roots. Limiting the occurrence of unnatural areas and promoting the growth of natural cover within a 60-meter buffer around water systems will improve habitat and water quality for both wildlife and people.

Through geospatial analysis, we will produce maps that display land cover percentages within a 60 meter buffer around Marathon County’s streams, tributaries, and wetlands. These maps will help prioritize and orient conservation and economic efforts to reduce levels of contaminants within Marathon Co.’s water systems.

UniverCity Year Contact Info
Gavin Luter
Managing Director

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