Affordable Housing Study

Malcolm Goggin


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Affordable housing options are growing sparse in the U.S., with the issue even more prevalent throughout the state of Arizona. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), only 25 affordable rental properties exist for every 100 extreme low-income rental households across the U.S. (2019). This ever-present issue has spurred many cities and towns to reevaluate their goals surrounding local development, zoning, and code updates, to better facilitate the sustainable growth of affordable housing in their communities.

With sustainability and accessibility at the forefront of Clarkdale’s values, the Town is interested in growing its supply of affordable housing, at
minimum for median-income earners. In partnership with ASU Project Cities, this capstone project seeks to identify challenges to ClarkdaleÕs
affordable housing goals, as well as develop potential solutions and incentives targeted at easing common development struggles. A literature review as well as qualitative research conducted via interviews with industry professionals from ClarkdaleÕs Community Development Department indicate that Clarkdale could reach its housing goals by following a housing policy framework that will: reduce costs and establish incentives for developers (with a special
interest toward a voluntary inclusionary zoning ordinance), create opportunities for new homebuyers, preserve what is already affordable, and decrease local opposition to the development of affordable housing.

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