Clarkdale is a small community in north-central Arizona, nestled in the Coconino forest, along the southwest banks of the Verde River. Clarkdale was founded in 1912 as a company town to serve the United Verde Copper Company and was offi cially incorporated in 1957. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Town of […]
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Clarkdale is a small community in north-central Arizona, nestled in the Coconino forest, along the southwest banks of the Verde River. Clarkdale was founded in 1912 as a company town to serve the United Verde Copper Company and was offi cially incorporated in 1957. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Town of […]
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The global, national, and local recycling industries are continuously shifting and changing alongside new technologies and policies. Municipal recycling services depend on a wide range of factors to run efficiently, including resident participation, facility maintenance, and the market for processed materials. Without strong support, recycling programs can suffer and in some cases, stop altogether. For […]
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Unlike many other communities in Arizona, the City of Peoria has groundwater bodies within its borders and adjacent. Lake Pleasant is a recreational asset to the North Valley, and both the Agua Fria and New River flow through the city. Peoria’s primary water sources, Central Arizona Project (CAP) and Salt River Project (SRP) water are […]
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The City of Peoria is the 9th largest city in Arizona, with its current overall population. The city continues to grow; in the year 2016-2017, there was an increase of 1.71%. With such growth, the city’s urban areas continue to expand to accommodate a more diverse population. During times of sustained growth, city developers, designers, […]
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Arid communities such as Peoria are often in search of innovative and sustainable heat mitigation solutions. Urban forestry is a growing practice that can help reduce energy consumption, increase pedestrian comfort, and provide environmental benefits such as filtering pollutants from urban air. The Fall 2020 portion of the project, summarized in Part 2 of this […]
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Clarkdale is a small community in north-central Arizona, nestled in the Coconino forest, along the southwest banks of the Verde River. Clarkdale was founded in 1912 as a company town to serve the United Verde Copper Company and was officially incorporated in 1957. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Town of Clarkdale […]
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The City of Peoria exists in a unique semi-arid desert region, with water bodies such as Lake Pleasant, the Agua Fria River, and the New River all lying within its borders. The city’s water comes from multiple sources and is distributed through the ubiquitous canal networks that traverse the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. Peoria’s proximity to […]
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The City of Peoria exists in a unique semi-arid desert region, with water bodies such as Lake Pleasant, the Agua Fria River, and the New River all lying within its borders. The city’s water comes from multiple sources and is distributed through the ubiquitous canal networks that traverse the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. Peoria’s proximity to […]
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Public transportation is a critical service for residents and visitors alike, no matter where they are located. In suburban areas like Peoria, small neighborhood circulators like Peoria on the Go (POGO) can serve an even more important role by providing access to vital services or connecting to larger transit systems. Robust public transit is also […]
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