The University of Oregon’s GIScience 2 students collaborated with the City of Albany, Oregon, to gather, organize, synthesize, and map geospatial information. Albany is interested in better understanding the segregation patterns of underrepresented demographic populations like racial/ethnic minority groups, low income individuals or families, people with disabilities, and seniors. GIS students used these potential segregation […]
Population Type: Racial Cultural and Ethnic Minorities
Inclusive Public Participation: Outreach to the Latino Community in the Redmond Area
The City of Redmond has experienced rapid growth in its Latino population since 2000, and the city is working to improve communication with and services for the Latino community. Realizing the need to better reach out to the Latino community, Redmond sought the assistance of Dr. Gerardo Sandoval’s Public Participation in Diverse Communities class. Graduate […]
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Lair Hill-Barbur Boulevard Synagogue Historic Preservation
Situated between Marquam Hill and the Willamette River, South Portland is a unique remnant of Portland’s past. Its history encompasses the city’s immigrant roots, industrial prowess, and tumultuous early urban development. In its current state, it is an isolated fragment of historic Portland surrounded by increasing urban growth. The potential impacts of development within the […]
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Lair Hill-Barbur Boulevard Synagogue Historic Preservation
Situated between Marquam Hill and the Willamette River, South Portland is a unique remnant of Portland’s past. Its history encompasses the city’s immigrant roots, industrial prowess, and tumultuous early urban development. In its current state, it is an isolated fragment of historic Portland surrounded by increasing urban growth. The potential impacts of development within the […]
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Read to me in English and Spanish
Reading to children can benefit their development because exposing them to books appears to have the most impact on their early language, literacy, and cognitive development. There is evidence to support that “children who xperience shared-book reading… also demonstrated improvements in word reading” (Pillinger & Wood, 2014). The Read to me Project is great at […]
Community Health and Wellness Policies as a Response to Health Disparities in Mississippi
Preventable chronic diseases are prevalent in Mississippi, and disproportionately affect Mississippians who are African American, have a lower socioeconomic status, and reside in rural areas. To address health disparities at the municipal level, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation holds an annual competition for grant funding through the Healthy Hometown Award, which recognizes policies […]
Oral History of the North and Southside New Albany
In the mid-20th century, the North and Southside neighborhoods of New Albany were cultural hubs and home to thriving black-owned businesses. B.B King played at a café in New Albany, and Blues musician Sam Mosely traces his musical roots to this community. This history has largely been neglected, and community leaders are interested in collecting […]
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Bilingual Community Outreach Plan
In the city of Salinas, where 32% of residents are children and youth, outreach strategies that embrace participatory practices can enlarge young people’s perceptions and contribute to a more socially and environmentally just community. They can also provide young people with skills and a sense of empowerment to effect change in their communities. This plan […]
Addressing Implicit Bias in the Prosecution of Cases
Identifying and addressing implicit bias in the prosecution of misdemeanor cases by the City Attorney’s Office in the Tacoma Municipal court. Prosecutors are not immune from implicit bias. As gatekeepers of the criminal justice system, prosecutors can be part of the problem – as well as the solution. If prosecutors are not aware of their […]
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Latino Community Engagement Exploration
Identify best practices and strategies for Carver County, local governments, and other agencies to more effectively engage the Latino population in the county about community services and programming. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Zobeida Bonilla Public Health Local Government / Community […]