The TTU Flute Choir, directed by Lisa Garner Santa, Professor of Flute, has created a partnership program with the Carillon Life Center titled “Music and You.” Students are working directly with the Carillon Life Center to explore the relationship between performer and audience, programming for specific populations, and the successful implementation of the logistics behind […]
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Professional Ethics LIVE! is an annual, Texas Tech University student-run continuing education initiative serving the professional development needs of licensed engineers, architects, landscape architects, and interior designers who live and practice in Lubbock, the South Plains and the Texas Panhandle. The key community partner in the initiative is the South Plains Chapter of the Texas […]
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Texas Tech’s Davis College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) began an innovative program to engage promising young adults with outstanding leaders in agricultural policy, natural resources, industry relations, and entrepreneurship. In an effort to address the increasing need for emerging leaders to fully understand the diverse issues, challenges, and opportunities affecting agriculture and […]
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